Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Arizona Primary Media Roundup

A couple of appearances by your author:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (with the "winning delegates is like the NASCAR point system" analogy)

My interview this morning with KJZZ-FM, Phoenix, should be posted here later today.

Current state Democratic Party chair Jim Pederson and I are guests on public television station KAET's Horizon show this evening. I believe this marks the first time Horizon has ever had two Democrats as guests. Two Republicans, plenty of times, but two Democrats? I don't think so. The primary must have been a transformative event. UPDATE: Michael Grant says they've had two Democrats on together before--earlier that week to talk about the Feb. 3 Democratic primary. But nobody could remember another time, although nobody did any checking, so perhaps the Feb. 3 primary still counts as a transformative event, even if Jim and I weren't the first Democratic tag-team.

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